
FCM310G3 Intelligent Coolant Measurement Device

The FCM310G3 system is designed for fully automatic measurement of coolants when using one to a maximum of 3 tanks. Thanks to sophisticated cleaning technology, the system requires very little maintenance and is therefore very cost-effective to use. The installation is extremely simple. The device is attached to the CNC machine without tools using built-in magnets. The supplied hoses are connected to the system and the tank via plug connections. An additional water connection enables significantly better cleaning of the sensors and maintenance intensity is reduced to a minimum. The customer can perform maintenance themselves. As an option, nearby tanks can be connected, but up to a maximum of 3.

In predefined cycles, coolant is extracted from the tank and measured for concentration value, electrical conductivity, and temperature.

The FCM310G3 continuously determines the condition of the coolant. In combination with an eMix1500, a fully automatic coolant measurement and refilling system can be set up.

The Brisco measurement system is equipped with a unique rinsing system to ensure the longest possible service life for the sensors.

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